2014. június 20., péntek


Elérkeztünk az utolsó naphoz ez után az intenzív egy hét után, amikor véget ér az akadémia és profi Storyteller-ekké avattak minket.
Megbeszéltük a szünetben, hogy az agyunk most már kiteheti a megtelt táblát. Elképesztő mennyiségű tudás anyag és impulzus csomag érkezett ez alatt az egy hét alatt, ami most már valóban kezd befogadhatatlan lenni. 
Tegnap nálunk járt még a Framestore stúdió, akik a nagysikerű Gravitáció c. filmnek a produkciójában is részt vettek, Ben Priest aki a szívfacsaró John Lewis reklámok alkotója és Joe Pytka is, a Spacejam filmrendezője, aki bár összefüggéstelenül beszélt, könnyekig hatódott, amikor elmesélt egy régi munkafolyamatot és visszagondolt a zsenikre akikkel együtt dolgozhatott. 

A mai nap legnagyobb kihívása a saját Brand Story-nk bemutatása volt, ami már csak hab volt a tortán a fantasztikus kurzus után. 
Emlékeztek hogy én az első napon magamat választottam akit bemutattam, mint szövegírót? Na hát most a tanultak alapján újra el kellett mondani.
Közben elgondolkoztam, hogy megváltoztatom a témát de végül nem tettem.
Semmi nem lett volna érdekesebb, mint egy személyes történet életem egy szeletéről. Igaz többet izzadtam rajta, mint egy sima választott márkán, de sokkal jobban is szerették hallgatni. :)
Úgyhogy íme a sztori magamról és arról h hogy lettem szövegíró és az, aki.

This story is about a girl, who is called Ani and was born and raised in a little town in Hungary. She has always been sassy, creative, had great communicational skills and lived for the edges. She has always found her way to draw attention to herself in a creative way, thus she freaked out her parents several times when she was a child as being not a good kid who did what she was told to. 
When she became a teenager and got into high-school, her eyes started to open up to the world and started to build up her belief system that was not always compatible or favoured in the conventional way of education. She believed in creativity, honesty, experiences, communities, emotions and human relationships. The education system was not the perfect place in terms of forcing creativity or thinking out of the box. Anyway, she believed in staying different, unique and true to herself. She has questioned teachers, never gave the most appropriate answers and had extreme views about everything, which she has never been afraid to tell, regardless of she was asked for it or not. And this was something hard to handle, ’cos it couldn’t be put in a box, where students were supposed to sit, shut up and listen. 
These people are the ones, who have always been considered to be deviant. Ani also thought differently and maybe deeply about the world than the avarage, fought for her truth and created a reality, in which learning from experiences was more interesting than learning from books, emotions were far more important than knowledge, heart came before head, personal impressions anticipated judgement, courage came before failure, faith was more valuable than success and passion beated talent. 
As she was getting feedback from her environment telling she was weird, she started to doubt herself, felt like an alien and thought that only lyrics could uderstand her inner soul. 
She turned to art…a territory that allows to express the inexpressible. She started to write poems, analyzed lyrics and realized that she was obsessed with words. She explored the beauty of finding the right words, putting them together just the right way that has the power of triggering the exact same meaning or feeling in people that she wanted to share. 
At that moment she knew she wanted to do something with words. And wondering about the direction she should follow that leads her to a place, where unicorns are welcome and the mission is driven by creativity and passion…advertising became an option.
She obtained her diploma, gained several, similarly weird friends, who encouraged her to try copywriting.
After a few years of working in the non-profit sector - which made her notice that even if you’re working for a good cause that changes the world for the better, it’s mostly about chasing money and asking for money, which is even worse – she got the chance to try herself as a copywriter at an advertising agency. 
She felt perfectly comfortable when it turned out that same weird-thinking people surround her, who believe that creativity has the power to change the world and media is a channel that should be used for sharing stories instead of demoralizing the society. 
One day when she was sitting in front of FB, she ran into a question, which said: If you could say something to your younger self in only 2-3 words, what would it be? And she immediately had the answer: Believe. In. Yourself! 
This is a sentence that she tells herself every single day and she learned that no one survives in creative industry who doesn’t believe in themselves and in the art they are creating. 
She also learned that doubt is a necessary wrong, taking risks is inevitable and without leaving the comfort zone magic would never happen.
After finding the job that fitted her, one more question left: How can she differentiate herself among the lots of young creative talents in this field? What is her USP that makes her better and more? 
She got the answer from the universe that sent her to Cannes for an amazing one week and had the chance to acquire the know-how, the quint essence of an art, called Storytelling that no one ever did in her country.

Holnap pedig következzen a jól megérdemelt strandolás! :)

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